Business Energy Efficiency project has identified savings of 31,952 tonnes of CO2e for businesses
The first BEE Anglia programme has come to an end this year (2019). The project has benefited small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Suffolk and Norfolk, as well as the wider Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area, thanks to funding from the ERDF.
The BEE teams have visited SME’s to audit their energy usage, helping them to save money and become greener.
Here’s how it works: Groundwork’s BEE energy experts visit the business’ premises to conduct a free, impartial, independent review to identify the best cost and carbon saving opportunities.
Businesses can then decide if they want to apply for grant funding, in order to help them implement some of the changes recommended by the BEE team.
BEE has a pot of grant funding to support participating businesses to implement energy efficiency measures.
To see if your business is eligible for an audit by the BEE team or to find out more information, call the team on 01473 350370.