Creative Media Programme Helps Aston Finds His Voice

Creative media programme song recording

UFY Media is a 6-week creative media programme for young people aged 16-18 that are not currently in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).

Our main aim is to inspire learners to progress further and have the appetite to pursue opportunities. We do this by providing a creative environment to enhance and showcase their abilities.

Before UFY Media

Before getting involved in the programme, 17 year old Aston had what could be described as a mixed school experience. He was a victim of bullying. Aston was also affected by bereavement and the loss of his closest friend at a young age and spent some time in foster care. He now lives with his girlfriend and her family and is keen to get his own flat and get a job.

Aston has always been interested in singing, dancing and drawing. We were able to factor all of these interests into Aston’s creative media programme. He really enjoyed the performing art dance sessions, making TikTok videos. He even plucked up the courage to sing a karaoke solo to his peers!

Becoming more vocal

Aston says that events from his childhood affected his self confidence. He felt that he had ‘lost his voice’. With support from girlfriend Abbie, he realised that he needs to be more independent and more vocal about what he wants in life. Abbie also took part in UFY Media. We made a conscious effort to treat them as individuals and separate them during tasks. This allowed them to flourish creatively and as individuals. It was something neither of these young people was used to, but they responded extremely positively.

Aston also got involved in wellbeing walks at Stanley Park and on the North pier. He produced photography and sketch work that he is incredibly proud of and now feels excited about the future.

I am so grateful to UFY Media for letting me be me and for helping me to find my voice again.

Next steps

Once he had completed the UFY Media programme, Aston was introduced to a Groundwork mentor, Sharon, from the Invest in Youth programme. Sharon is continuing to work with Aston to help him further improve his confidence and self esteem and raise his aspirations. His aim is to get a job and live independently.

For more information, contact:

Mike Coole    M: 07739 952 218     E:

You can also find out more about Unique FY Media programme on their Facebook page.

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