Richard Powell - Vice Chair

I am an environmental and Charity advisor working on the climate change and sustainability agenda’s as well as Charity business planning and governance.I previously spent 28 years as Regional Director of the RSPB and Regional Director for the National Trust in the East of England. During this time, he oversaw the acquisition of 1000’s of Hectares of land and managed project teams to create over 10000 Ha of new nature reserves.

I am currently Chair of the Regional Flood and Coastal Communities Committee for Anglian (Eastern) and Vice Chair of Buglife UK and Patron of the Papillion Project in Norfolk

I am lucky to have worked with Groundwork on projects since the 1990’s and have always been impressed by the work they do and achieve. The opportunity to work with them as a Trustee was an opportunity not to be missed and it’s great to be involved.

Connecting the Environment, Communities and Businesses together has always been a driver for me breaking down the barriers and working for sustainable solutions which is what Groundwork East does. Only when nature – in its most rich and ubiquitous form – is truly recognised as an essential foundation of a prosperous economy and healthy society, will it naturally be invested in and become a legacy for future generations.

Richard was awarded an OBE for his work in the Environment and Sustainability in June 2005 and is a Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Managers and Assessors and awarded Charted Environmentalist status by IEMA.