Two people chatting in the garden over a cuppa

Our team of friendly Green Doctors are energy efficiency experts offering free, impartial advice to help you take control of your bills and save energy in the home.

Are you worried about any of the following?
  • paying energy bills or finding it hard to manage fuel debt?
  • your home feeling cold, damp or draughty or showing signs of mould and condensation?
  • keeping warm or having to choose between eating and heating?
  • respiratory problems such as asthma or a persistent cough?

We can provide different kinds of support that fits your requirements such as:
  • Fixing causes of heat loss in your home and tackling problems with damp or mould
  • Useful tips for saving energy and water whilst ensuring your home stays safe and comfortable
  • Installing small energy and water efficiency measures, such as draft excluders, radiator foils and LED bulbs
  • Providing winter warmer packs such as fleeces, thermal socks, hot water bottles and blankets (items dependent on availability)
  • Help with accessing other support, such as emergency heating, government subsidies or grants, and advice on energy or water debt.
If you are not sure you are eligible, we can help with that too!

Click the link below and fill out the form and we will be in touch.


Stay Warm, Stay Well will provide much needed help for vulnerable households who are struggling with their energy bills, with Groundwork Green Doctors – energy efficiency advisors – visiting homes and offering practical guidance on energy saving, including behaviour change tips, as well as referrals to other local support services, including debt advice and food banks.

Funded by the Cadent Foundation and led in partnership by Groundwork, the programme will invest £6m and support 14,500 households in communities across England.

The programme is a new wave of Groundwork’s partnership with the Cadent Foundation, who have so far invested £3m with over 10,000 Green Doctor consultations carried out between 2020-23 across England.

We are also thankful to our other funders of Green Doctor in the East of England, including British Gas.

Stay warm stay well logo

If you are a referral agency or interested in funding this service, or have any other enquiries, email us via the link below: