Why save water?

Saving water at home, school or work can also save energy and that can mean significant savings on water and energy bills, as well as benefitting the environment. United Utilities is funding our ‘Green Doctor’ scheme to offer free water checks for schools and businesses across the North West.

FREE water checks for schools and businesses

The FREE water check is available to schools and businesses in the North West.

We’ll visit your school or business and carry out a full check of all your water appliances. The visit should take no longer than a day. The time it takes depends on the size of your business and the water saving potential. Our experts will:

  • Locate and fix minor leaks on toilets, taps and showers
  • Install water saving devices
  • Recommend other ways you can save, reuse or recycle water


You’ll be surprised about how much water is saved after our water check. We’ve saved schools who have taken part in this programme anything from 33 litres up to 77,331 litres of water every single day, resulting in big savings on water and energy bills.

How to book your visit

Complete the form below and press submit and we’ll contact you to arrange your FREE water check.


This work has been made possible thanks to funding from United Utilities