Brinnington Big Local
Duration: Ends January 2025
In 2015, Brinnington Big Local were awarded £1 million pounds by the Big Lottery Fund to invest in their community over 10 years.
Brinnington Big Local is a partnership of local residents and partner agencies who share an ambition to make their area an even better place to live. By building the confidence, capacity and skills in the community local needs and priorities can be identified and action can be taken in response to them.
What we’re doing
Groundwork’s role in the partnership is as the Local Trusted Organisation, offering expert guidance with programme and project management, implementation and delivery in order to achieve the Big Local partnership outcomes.
Our team guides the overall direction of the project whilst ensuring robust financial management procedures are in place, line management expertise are given to paid staff and the delivery of the community plan is effective whilst ensuring that it remains community-led. In addition, we provide community engagement and partnership development to support the plan and coaching and training for the community activists.
Activities run through Brinnington Big Local include:
- Growing up a Storm – Engaged and enthused the community to grow, cook and eat their homegrown produce.
- Banters and Brews – A volunteer led provision for men coming together to chat, play games, have a brew and plan trips.
- Warm Hub – Provides a safe warm space for all, including those struggling with both their energy bills and being isolated.
The project was also highlighted during the Stockport Homes Customer Star Awards, where Marketing and Projects Officer Mark Mitchell won their Outstanding Individual Award. Their Green Thumbs group also won the year before as the Most Innovative Community Project for their well being growing sessions.
Find out more
To find out more about the project, contact Nina Burns, Communities Manager:
Or visit the Big Local website for more details:
Funders & Partners
This project was made possible thanks to funding and support from the Big Lottery Fund, Stockport Homes, Stockport Council, Life Leisure, Equity Housing and Greater Manchester Police.