‘My worries don’t make things better, but talking does’ – Tayha’s Story
Over the past year, Tayha has been part of our SAFE Achievement Coaching programme at Abraham Moss School, which encourages young people to open up about their experiences and realise their potential through both individual and group sessions.
At the beginning of the programme, Tayha had been struggling with school. She felt that none of the teachers had her back and that they were always working against her. Tayha also experienced bullying when she was in primary school. This created feelings of low self-esteem and anxiety, which led to her being introduced to the Achievement Coaching programme.
Tayha, since working with mentor Frankie through the Achievement Coaching programme, now attends after school clubs, including the ‘Women Warriors’ group in Crumpsall park. She has taken part in workshops that include dancing, debating & drawing, all of these things she really thrives in and has said she’ll continue to pursue in the future.
Over the summer holidays, Tayha attended a trip to Blackpool. She had talked about how worried she was about getting on a rollercoaster, as this is one of her biggest fears. After her friends supporting her & with reassurance from Frankie, she decided to join the group on the next rollercoaster.
I actually really enjoyed it, I can’t believe I was worried!