Groundwork Greater Nottingham are delighted to welcome our new CEO!

 Top job for Nottinghamshire woman

A leading charity has appointed Nottinghamshire’s Emma Atkins as their new Chief Executive.  Groundwork Greater Nottingham, one of the region’s oldest and most trusted community development charities, has landed a CEO who has worked with sports superstars.

Emma Atkins, who lives in Rushcliffe, has worked with stars from the world of sport such as Olympic champion Dame Kelly Holmes, Judy Murray, mother of Wimbledon champion Andy and a range of others.  Emma has helped these legends build their charities which support local communities.

Most recently Emma was the Director of Coaching for UK Coaching, the national agency for sports coaches. She was their first female Director of Coaching and is passionate about supporting people to thrive in life and work.

Talking about her move to Groundwork Emma said: “Through the pandemic we saw how being active outdoors, having flexible jobs, looking after our environment and people in our neighbourhood is so important. When I heard about the great work Groundwork does to support people and communities to do all these things, I was hooked.  The charity has so much to offer for people and businesses across the region and my job is to ensure we realise this potential. I have spent over 25 years working with sports stars and sporting organisations so will of course be aiming to link our work at Groundwork better with these agencies too. I have lived in the region for most of my life and along with my family have enjoyed the wonderful open spaces we have here. Groundwork prides itself on its green heart; we will be expanding our work to ensure more and more people have wonderful places to enjoy and support through our befriending, volunteering, employment, environmental and play based programmes.”

Groundwork Vice-Chair and boutique law-firm owner Roscoe Fernandes said: “When Emma became available we were absolutely delighted.  Her transferable skills, background and passion for our work was immediately obvious – we could see the synergies in terms of the strategic direction for Groundwork.  She is the right person, at the right time and we are excited about the next chapter in our development.”

To find out more  please contact Emma