Groundwork Wales is working in partnership with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to deliver our Water Efficiency Home Visit service.

The programme aims to save an average of 60 litres per day per household. This is equivalent to a saving of around £75 per year on a household bill. We achieve this by arranging a water efficiency home visit with customers where we will:

  • Install free water saving devices such as tap aerators, water-efficient showerheads, toilet flush bags, shower timers and garden hose attachments.
  • Perform a thorough check of the property for possible slow leaks (for example from the cistern into the toilet bowl). Any discovered leaks are reported on to the Dwr Cymru plumber team for a potential free fix.
  • Check the property’s water meter to make sure no leaks are going undetected.
  • Offer advice and field questions around water saving in the home.
A Welsh Water Project Officer performing a home visit, introducing themselves to a customer and showing their I.D. badge.
Close-up of a Welsh Water Project Officer installing an aerator water saving device onto a customer's kitchen tap.

Since the visit I have been recommending this excellent service to my friends, family and colleagues.

Meriel, Welsh Water Efficiency Home Visit customer

We are contacting customers in Cardiff, Newport and the South Wales Valleys area directly regarding the project. If you live in one of these areas and want to check your eligibility for a visit, please fill out the “registration of interest” form linked below.

Why do we need to save water?

  • Saves energy: filtering, heating and pumping water to your home requires energy. Reducing water wastage can therefore reduce your carbon footprint and pollution.
  • Saves wildlife: saving water diverts less water from our rivers, bays, and estuaries, which helps keep wildlife habitats healthy and safe.
  • Saves money: the less water you use, the less money you pay to your water supplier.