Do you want to find, or get involved in a specific health or wellbeing project in London?

What we do and why:

Health and wellbeing can impact on everything we do, from our ability to find work or connect with other people. That’s why so much of what we do at Groundwork is designed to promote health and wellbeing. We recognise that being healthy and feeling good means different things to different people, and there are many barriers that make it harder for people to improve their health and wellbeing. Our work is designed to break down these barriers and help people to feel good.

Healthy spaces:
Especially in a city, physical and mental health can be affected by the environment. That’s why our Landscape Architects specialise in working with communities to improve open spaces in ways that protect and promote health. We do this through reducing air pollution, improving cycling and walking routes and making improvements and promoting access to green spaces that increase opportunities to engage with nature. 

Social prescribing:
We work directly with GPs and health other professionals on social prescribing services, connecting patients to non-clinical support and activities in the community to improve their health and wellbeing.

Keeping Londoners warm and well in the home:
Through our ‘Green Doctor’ home energy advice and support scheme we help people who may be experiencing fuel poverty and sometimes, the awful choice to ‘heat or eat’. But our Green Doctors also ensure that other issues affect health are addressed, including eliminating drafts, damp and mould in the home.

Social integration and tackling isolation:
Our social integration projects bring people together from refugee and migrant communities and older people, helping them connect with others and breakdown barriers to accessing health and wellbeing services. 

Mental health and wellbeing support for young people and their families:
Our youth mental health service ‘The Nest’ provides young people and families with mental health support and tools to help them strengthen their physical and emotional resilience.  

Promoting healthy lifestyles:
Many of our projects are designed to help people overcome barriers to making healthier lifestyle choices. We set up community gardens that engage communities in growing, cooking and eating healthier food. Our walking and cycling grants help community groups to promote accessible walking and cycling across the capital.

Why work with us?

  • We have a people centred approach we put people at the heart of what we do. We guide and support people in actively and safely engaging in positive behaviour change and make choices based what’s important to them. 
  • We tackle health inequality – we work with partners and communities to break down barriers to better health for those disproportionally affected by health inequalities in London.
  • We are joined up – we work in multi-disciplinary partnerships that provide innovative, joined up local and London-wide health and wellbeing services.

Get in touch:

For health and wellbeing programme development enquires in London please contact Katrina Baker, Director, Communities and Environmental Services. 

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