Groundwork London Old

Landscape Design London

Our award winning Landscape Design Service has been creating better places in London for over 20 years. Founded on the principal of co-creation, our multidisciplinary team offer a comprehensive service that can be tailored to meet the needs of client and community.

We deliver innovative, cost effective, climate resilient, high-quality design solutions across London and the South, involving the community and other local stakeholders in every stage of the design process. We know that this helps build stronger, more integrated communities that feel a real sense of ownership and affection for the open spaces in their neighbourhoods.

Adding Value
As a charity we’re often able to secure additional funding from sources including charitable trusts, landfill tax operators and our corporate partners. We can also support the community groups we work with to apply for community grants in order to further boost capital budgets.

Innovating with Climate Resilience
We design valuable community spaces that promote the health and wellbeing, support economic development and connect people of all ages with their environment. We design projects in the public realm, in residential landscapes and in parks and play-spaces. We also specialise in designing for climate resilience, from mitigating the risk of flooding through Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs) to creating green walls and roofs that cool buildings in a heatwave and but also help reduce air pollution and boost biodiversity. We are leading the way in mainstreaming these concepts into cost effective landscape design solutions. In 2016 we won the prestigious Landscape Institute College of Fellow’s Award for Climate Change Adaptation with our multi-award winning Climate-Proofing Social Housing Landscapes project.

View or download our Landscape Portfolio

We offer a comprehensive and tailored service from inception to completion including design development, tendering, construction management and maintenance. Get in touch with our Principal Landscape Architects  David Ifould or Jane Everitt to discuss a landscape project with us.  –  07794 919898   –  020 7278 1514

