Phil recently retired from a 33-year career at PwC where he was an audit partner and led PwC’s European Telecoms, Media and Technology practice, the firm’s global Digital Transformation group, and the UK public sector audit practice. He has worked across a wide range of organisations, including newspaper, magazine and book publishing, television and film production, broadcasting, cinema, music, sport, conferences, advertising, market research, consumer goods, charities and NHS Trusts. Alongside statutory audits, he led projects including operational and financial risk reviews, governance reviews, initial public offerings and acquisition and disposal due diligence.

In addition to his UK and other European experience, Phil undertook secondments to PwC’s New York and San Francisco offices and has worked extensively across Europe and in Asia Pacific.

Phil is also a governor of the British Film Institute, a published author, and a partner in the Clive Barker Archive.