Positive partnership for organisations and communities
Community charity Groundwork East has entered into an agreement with construction and development company Anderson Group, in order to help communities across the East of England.
Representatives of Groundwork and Anderson signed the memorandum of understanding to formalise the relationship between the two organisations.
This development follows a very successful partnership project that finished in April. Green Skills is Groundwork’s employment and skills project that sees volunteers improve a community space while learning skills and gaining qualifications to help them get into work.
The project participants worked for five weeks at Anderson Group’s Luxborough Lane development in Chigwell, Essex. The site has been developed into a new world-leading school for autistic children. The Green Skills volunteers carried out works to make part of the grounds accessible and aesthetically pleasing.
Steve Harvey, Executive Director of Groundwork East, said: “This memorandum of understanding is an important step in a very positive partnership. It will help our two organisations identify opportunities to work together to deliver more fantastic projects, like Green Skills, for communities across our operating areas.”
Andrew Jay, Group Managing Director of the Anderson Group, said: “Enacting meaningful change in the community is at the heart of the Anderson ethos. It is great to be in partnership with Groundwork East, a charity with whom we share a belief in creating better places and to improve peoples’ lives.”