On 26 December 2015 Storm Eva caused significant and widespread flooding across Leeds. In this time some of the highest river levels recorded. The devastation meant that homes and businesses were inhabitable. It took a huge effort by many people to clean up afterwards.
We all want to prevent this from happening again. So we’re delighted to be involved in an exciting pilot scheme. We will encourage local people to help with the management and maintenance of the river. By working in partnership with:
- the River Stewardship Company
- Open Source Arts
To deliver Leeds City Council and the Environment Agency’s project to help protect areas from future devastation.
How does our project help?
The River C’Aire project helps by encouraging volunteering in Leeds along the river. We have worked with individuals, corporate volunteers and groups to collect litter from the river and its embankment. The river volunteers have helped to manage vegetation and manage invasive non-native weed species making a difference to the local environment. These volunteer days have helped to bring more people to the riverside and are helping to prevent future flooding.
Our river volunteering days take place on Friday’s throughout the year, please contact us for more information on how you can get involved.