Thames transforms community garden thanks to Tesco Bags of Help Funding.
On Monday 29 November, a team of 11 staff from Thames Water joined Groundwork staff clear an area of Memorial Park Community Food Growing Hub in preparation for a new family growing area.
Thames staff took part in a number of activities including tree works, hedge trimming, ground clearance and removing and sorting through equipment which had previously been stored on site. The team worked extremely hard throughout the day and made a great impact!
Groundwork was awarded a £1000 bid from the Tesco Bags of Help scheme to develop the new family growing area. The area is now cleared and ready for the start of build elements in the spring.
Sarah Culverwell, Senior Project Officer at Groundwork East said: “I would like to thank all of the Thames Water staff for giving up their time to help get the area cleared and, in a position, that it is ready to install the new family growing area elements. The Memorial Park Community Food Growing Hub has been really popular with families and this year we have had lots of activities taking place for families to come along to. I look forward to further developing the area in the new year. Thank you to Tesco Bags of Help for contributing £1000 in support of the project.”