Groundwork East

Groundwork takes practical action to create a fair and green future in which people, places, and nature thrive.
We support local communities and businesses to build capacity and resilience as this is vital if we are to tackle hardship, achieve a just transition to net-zero and help nature recover in a way that reduces inequality and leads to better work and healthier, happier lives.
We’re here to help! Groundwork East is working across the East of England to create stronger, healthier communities, responsible business and greater prospects for local people. Whether you’re taking action yourself, or for your business, school or organisation, we can support you.

Our specialist teams work across the East of England where they are most needed

We have plenty of opportunities to get involved with us in a way that suits you best

How our services address the social and environmental challenges people are facing

We have committed to reach Net Zero before the government’s current target of 2050
At Groundwork East we recognise that the delivery of our own services can have an impact on the climate crisis and we are committed to managing and reducing the emissions and wider environmental impacts arising from our own activities.