The One Leisure Active Lifestyles Team at Huntingdonshire District Council are launching FREE multi-sports, outdoor gym and buggy fit sessions in Yaxley for adults at Middletons Road Recreation Ground
Beginning on 2 April with multi-sports from 5-6pm, all classes are free to attend and will run until September 2025 (link to book below)
Two other classes are also planned with buggy fitness beginning on 8 April at 9.15am and outdoor gym sessions beginning on the 4 April and running every Thursday between 6-7pm. All classes are part of an 18-month healthier futures programme funded by Cambridgeshire Community Foundation and led by the community and environment charity Groundwork East. As part of the programme Young Technicians academy will be running outdoor art installation courses for young people, Yaxley Parish Council will be hosting well-being cafesand Groundwork East will be running food growing courses as well as Wild play sessions for families.
The aim of the programme is to encourage residents in and around the parish of Yaxley to get outdoors and enjoy local greenspaces – with all activities free to attend. We know that spending time outside in nature is good for us, with demonstrable mental and physical health benefits. Groundwork’s research into the reasons why people don’t spend as much time outdoors as they’d like included not being familiar with local green spaces and loneliness which led to not feeling comfortable venturing outside for fitness and leisure. These issues are often more marked for younger people which is why all the activities planned as part of the healthier futures programme seek to work around the schedules of young people and those with families.
The majority of my work at Groundwork takes place outdoors, this time outside has greatly improved my personal mental and physical health and I am very excited to see the impact these sessions will have on Yaxley residents as well as work alongside our amazing partners
Lucy Woodbridge, Project Officer, Groundwork East
We’re really excited for this project to start, what could be better than exercising in the great outdoors? We hope we’ve got something for everyone, buggy fitness for the mums and dads, outdoor gym and a multi-sports session. Thanks to the funding these sessions are free of charge for 18 months. Please come and give a session a try!
Danielle Sancaster, Active Lifestyles Development Officer, Huntingdonshire District Council