Green Doctor blog
Green Doctor case study: Cheshire East
Cheshire East Council began their partnership with Green Doctor when it became apparent they had no central point of contact to provide energy advice and support to its residents. What followed was a coherent and collaborative response to energy poverty, making a real difference to residents struggling to live comfortable in their own homes. Before…
I Get To Help People And The Planet – Every day
I’m Anna and I am a Fuel Poverty and Climate Change Project Officer for Groundwork CLM. My role I work as part of the Green Doctor team that covers Lancashire. Green Doctors help people and families to stay warm, stay well and save money on household bills. With soaring energy prices and the cost of…
Green Doctor Case Study: Thanet District Council
When Eve Lockton-Goddard came into role as Home Energy Officer back in 2020, Thanet District Council didn’t have any energy advice provision and hadn’t been involved in any available energy schemes. Not unusual in local councils. The problem was that with the highest volumes of fuel poverty in the South East, Thanet District Council struggled…