Healthy Rivers
The Healthy Rivers programme works with local communities and partners to support the conservation and restoration of our local rivers, improve river environments and educate community members on conservation issues.
Through collaboration with local authority partners and Natural Resources Wales, Healthy rivers identifies and targets sections of local rivers most in need of conservation and engage local community members in conservation volunteering activities including:
It was great to learn how important the river was for others – not only for those interested in biodiversity, but also for those that appreciate the river as a tranquil place to spend free time.
Chris, Healthy Rivers Volunteer

- River Care Days where local community volunteers undertake litter picking, removal of invasive species such as Himalayan Balsam from the river corridor and footpaths, tree planting, as well as removing waste from the river bed.
- Training of community volunteers. Community members learn about the environmental impacts of waste on the health of their local river, receive training on river conservation, education on fish migration and training in Citizen Science.
- Education workshops in local schools. Working in partnership with Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, we hold workshop sessions in local schools, educating children and young people on river conservation and the negative impact of waste and littering on the river and the wider environment. During these sessions the young people also engage in litter clean-up activities along the local river corridor, supporting local biodiversity and encouraging a connection to nature.
Not only does the programme improve the environment of our local rivers, but removal of litter and waste reduces flood risks for communities along the river corridors.
Contact us to take part or for more information.