Focus on the Family
In 2024, Groundwork Northamptonshire is running a range of Family Hub activities. Targeting different age groups in different geographies across the North of Northamptonshire, we want to capture and develop the voices of the children in our county.
We’ll be using outdoor or creative methods to engage with young people, helping to develop shared experiences that build strong connections and communications.
The Family Hub Activities
Bub Club
Ages 0-4 years old
Led by Made with Many, this well attended session always builds great rapport with families, offering the opportunity for conversation in a community setting. This is focused on most vulnerable neighbourhoods.
Wellies in the Woods
Ages 2 – 5 years old
Getting back to nature and having fun, Wellies in the Woods is all about utilising local green spaces for family play. There are great opportunities for conversations and building trust, whilst also learning about a local green space that families can continue to access in their own time. What’s more, for 2024 children get puddle suits and wellies included, meaning fun can be guaranteed whatever the weather.

Green Rangers
Ages 5 – 11 year olds
Either after school or during the holidays, young people can come and use the Green Patch to explore their interest in the outdoors. In a relaxed and informal setting, they can also talk about any concerns or look at lifestyle issues such as food, exercise, screen time, school or friendships. As one Green Ranger said, “A little chat can help a lot.”
Young people can feel safe at Green Patch, and alongside a fun activity, the Green Rangers offers the opportunity for them to build conversations, make friends and find their voice.
Youth Forum
Ages 13 – 18 year olds
The youth forum model is built on empowerment of Young People within their communities. It holds the principle of participation and involvement at its heart and works to champion young peoples’ voices. This also offers a leadership space for younger views.
To find out more and get involved, please get in touch.