What do Green Doctors do?

We offer impartial advice and support for households all across Northamptonshire – to help you save energy, reduce your bills, and live in a warmer, more comfortable home. Here are some of the FREE services we offer when you sign up for a visit:

  • Identifying causes of heat loss in your home
  • Helping identify and tackle damp or mould problem
  • Offering useful tips for saving energy and water whilst ensuring your homestays safe and comfortable
  • Installation small energy and water efficiency measures, such as draft excluders
  • Supporting you to switch energy providers to save money
  • Supporting you to access other services, such as emergency heating, government subsidies or grants, advice on energy or water debt

An in-home consultation usually takes around one hour. The service is free, impartial and confidential. We do not share your data with anyone else.
Northamptonshire Green Doctor is delivered by Groundwork Northamptonshire. To book an appointment or find out more: