Soraya Osler, 32, has been bringing her two-year-old son Jasper to Green Patch since he was 10-months-old. Green Patch is vital to Soraya and Jaspar, who enjoy watering the plants and attending the free Monday toddler group.

“I moved to Kettering a few years ago from Brighton, so becoming a new mum in a new place was scary. Coming along to the Green Patch toddler groups and events, including BBQ’s and picnics, has allowed us to build genuine friendships. We come every week and meet up with other parents and children. There are no pressures to be anyone other than yourself – everyone is accepted.

I don’t drive, so having something like Green Patch within a 10-minute walk from my house is incredible. Everything is free, and so accessible for everyone of all ages. There is nothing else like Green Patch in our area and many people rely on it.”