Terms of Use

The Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy apply to your use of www.groundwork.org.uk (the website). The website is operated by The Federation of Groundwork Trusts (trading as Groundwork UK).

Please read the website Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy carefully. By proceeding to access the website you shall be deemed to accept the website Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use.

Groundwork may amend the website Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. Please check this page and the Privacy Policy regularly.

Using the website

You may access the website on a temporary basis. Groundwork reserves the right to withdraw all or part of the website or to amend the service provided or the information and materials provided on the website at any time and without notice. Groundwork shall not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever arising if the website or any part of it is not available for any period of time.


Please read the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for details of how Groundwork processes information about you and for details of how cookies are used on the website.

Accuracy of information and reliance

The information and materials provided on the website are for your information only. Groundwork makes no guaranties, warranties or conditions as to the accuracy of the information and / or materials provided on the website and disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance that you may place on the information, materials on the website.


Groundwork will endeavour to ensure that this website is accessible for 24 hours a day but will not be liable if‚ for any reason‚ the website is unavailable for any period. Groundwork has the right to suspend access to this website temporarily or permanently and without notice.

Groundwork will not be liable for any loss or damage arising in contract‚ tort or otherwise if this website is unavailable or is suspended for any reason.

Intellectual Property Rights

You may print or download information or materials from the website provided that:

(a) the copyright and other intellectual property rights are also printed, copied and / or downloaded with the information or materials, and the material is credited appropriately to the owner

(b) You do not modify or change in any way the information or materials provided on the website

(c) the information or materials are not used in a way which may damage Groundwork’s or its members’ reputation or ability to achieve their objectives.

Groundwork reserves the right to withdraw permission to use materials on this website without notice.

Links to third party websites

Where the website contains links to a website provided by a third party, such links are provided for information purposes only. Separate terms and conditions of use and privacy policies may apply to any such third party websites. Groundwork does not have control over the information or materials provided in such third party websites. Groundwork shall not be responsible for any such third party websites or for any loss or damage howsoever arising that may result from your use of such websites.

Linking to the website

You may link to the website provided that you do so in a way that is fair, legal and not misleading, however, Groundwork reserves the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

Groundwork cannot warrant that this website or material it contains are free of viruses or technical defects of any description‚ and accepts no responsibility for any technical problems arising from your use of this website.

Jurisdiction and governing law

The English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from or related to your visit to the website. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the website Terms and Conditions of Use or their subject matter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

Our Modern Slavery Statement

Our ambition is to build visibility, our reputation and our resources so that we can continue to be a significant force for driving change in places and prospects in the local communities that need it most. We operate across Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland.

In this spirit, we have published our Slavery and Human trafficking statement and set out the steps that Groundwork Five Counties is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain. View our Modern Slavery Statement. This statement will be regularly reviewed, and in the first instance after 12 months and thereafter at a time scale to be determined and in accordance with current practice and legislation.

Equality & Diversity Policy

Our Equality and Diversity policy aims to create a culture that respects and values difference, promotes dignity and equality, and encourages individuals to develop and fulfil their potential.

Groundwork Five Counties recognises and values the diversity within its operational areas, including the variety of traditions, cultures, and beliefs, and demonstrates this through its practices and policies.

Groundwork Five Counties believes that all employees and volunteers have the right to not be subject to any form of harassment. Operational policies and procedures will be regularly reviewed and developed to ensure that they are consistent with the spirit of this policy.

Groundwork Five Counties aims to maintain a fair working environment for all employees and volunteers, and will oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination through every stage of employment, including:

  • pay and benefits
  • terms and conditions of employment
  • dealing with grievances (see section 8) and discipline (see section 9)
  • dismissal
  • redundancy
  • leave for parents
  • requests for flexible working
  • selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities

Equality and Diversity in Project Delivery

Groundwork Five Counties is committed to ensuring that nobody is denied access to the services it delivers on the grounds of protected characteristics. Where provision has been designed for a specific group – e.g., children – the principles of equality and inclusion will still apply to that group.

Groundwork Five Counties will continue to monitor and improve its services to ensure they are responsive to local need across the Trust’s operational areas. It will consult with relevant local communities and ensure that services are targeted appropriately and effectively.

Equality and Diversity in the Trust’s Supply Chain

The procurement process of Groundwork Five Counties seeks to ensure that no potential supplier or subcontractor will receive less favourable consideration on the grounds of protected characteristics.

Organisations which are engaged in the delivery of GWFC’s provisions or supply GWFC with goods and services must have a commitment to the principles of equality and diversity.

Groundwork Five Counties expects its suppliers and sub-contractors to ensure that their staff are aware of the Equality and Diversity Policy and their own responsibilities for its implementation. Employees of suppliers and sub-contractors that are likely to interact with GWFC’s beneficiaries will be expected to exhibit behaviours which are compliant with the Equality and Diversity Policy. They will be expected to behave in a respectful, courteous, and non-discriminatory manner befitting GWFC’s own Behaviours Framework.

Read the full Equality & Diversity Policy by clicking here.

Photo and Videography consent

Groundwork Five Counties captures images* of people it works with in order to:

• Capture additional evidence of the programme for the project funders and partners.

• To promote Groundwork Five Counties, the Groundwork Federation, and our partners services – promotion of our projects helps raise awareness of the difference our work makes to individuals and communities.

Groundwork Five Counties and the third parties** identified in this document will keep your case study information on file for five years, after which we will review whether to keep it. The information you provide to us will help us; promote our services; evaluate current programmes; and plan similar programmes in the future. By providing us with case study information you are agreeing to Groundwork Five Counties storing your data.

* ’Image’ refers to film and associated audio, and still photography.

** Groundwork Five Counties third parties are: Groundwork UK and its regional Trusts, partners and funders. This can include government departments, funding bodies and private & third sector organisations involved and/or associated with Groundwork delivery.

Please note: Individuals under the age of 16 or those classed as vulnerable adults cannot give consent. A parent/carer/guardian must give consent on their behalf.

Image permissions

By consenting, you give permission to Groundwork Five Counties and the third parties identified to use your image in the following ways:

• Include the images within a press release which will be issued to local and national press.

• Use the images in any printed or online publications produced by Groundwork Five Counties and the Groundwork federation, including policy and research reports connected to Groundwork’s mission or programme delivery.

• Use the images on Groundwork websites, YouTube or social media channels. I understand that websites can be seen throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time. To contact us: marketing@groundworknottingham.org.uk

Click the relevant link below to download our Photo and Video consent form.

Filmed or Written Case Study consent

We capture the story* and image** of people involved in its programmes in order to:

• Capture additional evidence of the programme for the programme funders and partners.

• To promote Groundwork Five Counties, the Groundwork Federation, and our partners services – promotion of our projects helps raise awareness of the difference our work makes to individuals and communities.

Groundwork Five Counties and the third parties*** identified in this document will keep your case study information on file for five years, after which we will review whether to keep it. The information you provide to us will help us; promote our services; evaluate current programmes; and plan similar programmes in the future. By providing us with case study information you are agreeing to Groundwork Five Counties storing your data.

* ‘Story’ refers to written text, recorded audio and transcriptions from audio.

** ’Image’ refers to film and associated audio, and still photography.

*** Groundwork Five Counties third parties are: Groundwork UK and its regional Trusts, partners and funders. This can include government departments, funding bodies and private & third sector organisations involved and/or associated with Groundwork delivery.

Story information permissions

By consenting, you give permission to Groundwork Five Counties and the third parties identified to use your story in the following ways:

• Include the story information within a press release which will be issued to local and national press.

• Use the story information in any printed or online publications produced by Groundwork Five Counties and the Groundwork federation, including policy and research reports connected to Groundwork’s mission or programme delivery.

• Use the story information on Groundwork websites, YouTube or social media channels. I understand that websites can be seen throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.

Image permissions

By consenting, you give permission to Groundwork Five Counties and the third parties identified to use your image in the following ways:

• Include the images within a press release which will be issued to local and national press.

• Use the images in any printed or online publications produced by Groundwork Five Counties and the Groundwork federation, including policy and research reports connected to Groundwork’s mission or programme delivery.

• Use the images on Groundwork websites, YouTube or social media channels. I understand that websites can be seen throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.


There are three options to how your story could be attributed. These are:

• Using your full name in your case study.

• Using your first name only in your case study.

• Using your case study anonymously.

The Groundwork Five Counties team will speak to you to confirm which option you prefer.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time. To contact us: marketing@groundworknottingham.org.uk

Click the link below to download our Filmed or Written Case Study consent form.