Landscape Architect Service

Our experienced Landscape Architects understand that good quality green spaces are critical to how our neighbourhoods function. Everyone needs inspirational places for learning, playing, meeting friends or just passing through. Places that are a home for nature, that people enjoy, and that help to attract business investment. We’re resolutely focused on the human element of the design process, championing a user-led approach. Successful design is all about relationships, and our community engagement specialists understand how to involve people in creating spaces that work.
- Track record: we’ve been providing professional landscape services for over thirty years.
- Experienced professionals: we employ a team of Chartered and Senior Landscape Architects and other landscape professionals who share the latest professional theories and best practice.
- Landscape Architecture Services: From conceptual design to detailed construction stages, project management on-site, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs), planning permission submissions, surveys and searches, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) schemes, and beyond, we deliver a diverse range of expertise to meet your needs.
- Engaging Communities: We passionately reach out and creatively engage with diverse user groups, residents, businesses, and organizations. Our aim is to involve them actively in the design process, ensuring their needs are articulated and met.
- Nature based approaches: we’re resolute about the benefits of green infrastructure in improving health and combating the climate crisis, using techniques such as sustainable urban drainage and natural flood management.
- Social value: we maximise public benefit from landscape improvements to promote health and wellbeing, provide training and work experience, support economic development and tackle environmental sustainability.
- Sustainability: we’re committed to ensuring our work is carried out according to recognised environmental and quality standards including maximising the use of sustainably sourced and recycled materials.
Find out more about our landscape architecture services by booking a free one hour consultation with no obligation to discuss any ideas or projects coming up you might have.
We also work across the whole of the UK. Groundwork’s Landscape Practice is unique, we specialise in community engagement and a truly collaborative design process.
Through our projects below, our services include an extensive range of skills and resource:

Landscape Design
We’re experts in understanding how public spaces are used within neighbourhoods and the pros and cons of different types of design, planting, and materials in community settings. Our designs blend the needs of people and wildlife and we always reuse and recycle where possible.
Our work ranges from small community gardens to major public realm schemes in urban centres.
- Feasibility studies
- Site analysis & surveys
- Masterplanning
- Planning / statutory approvals
- Concept through to sketch design
- Detailed design & contract documentation
- Cost estimating & funding advice
- Best Value Tendering
- Project management
- Landscape maintenance strategies
- GIS services
- Community consultation
- Development of partnerships and funding applications, inlcuding Heritage Lottery Funding.

Landscape Build and Contracting
We carry out a range of hard and soft landscaping tasks – seeking to maximise social value from the contracts we win.
Our landscaping teams often provide work experience for young people, unemployed people and those facing particular challenges such as ex-offenders. Organisations managing land benefit from a high quality service and the knowledge that their contract has bought additional positive outcomes for individuals and the wider community.
- Planting of trees, hedging and planting schemes
- Laying of turf and wildflower seeding
- Vegetation management and grass cutting
- Fence and boundary construction
- Pathway creation and improvements
- Contract tendering, supervision and management
- Health and safety management
- Volunteer involvement and management

Resilience and the Climate Crisis
Urgent changes to how we use and manage land are required if we are to successfully respond to the challenges of the climate crisis, air pollution and loss of biodiversity.
This means carrying out work to adapt to a rapidly warming climate, such as making local environments better able to cope with flooding and urban heat.
We’re leading the way for others to follow with award-winning climate proofing design, and we link our landscape projects to wider programmes of action giving people the knowledge and skills to prepare for local impacts of the climate crisis.
- Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDs)
- Catchment management approaches and natural flood management interventions
- Interventions to improve air quality, for example green screens outside schools or along busy highways
- Greener transport corridors and footpath and cycleway design and construction
- Woodland management and development

Creating sculptures, wild walks, animal sanctuaries and upgrading play equipment within a community park
More coming!
More coming!