Wellies in the Woods

Wellies in the Woods from Groundwork UK
Wellies in the Woods is a groundbreaking project from Groundwork, supporting children and their families to enjoy the natural environment on their doorsteps, helping them to foster a deeper appreciation of the benefits of accessing nature together as families.
By bringing beloved storybooks to life in the great outdoors, we create a safe haven where families can connect, learn, and grow together. Our experiential learning sessions are designed to inspire, educate, and empower, leaving a lasting impression on young minds and hearts.

Wellies in the Woods courses are run in some of the most deprived areas of the country, giving access to nature to families who would otherwise be excluded from guided outdoor play opportunities. Parents are given opportunities to engage in play with their children, and are better equipped to take their children to play in outdoor spaces.
Wellies in the Woods with Groundwork NI

Groundwork NI can offer a six-week family learning programme for parents and their children aged 5 and under. The programme is based on 6 story books and creative outdoor play to compliment this.
After running successfully in the East of England, the programme aims to improve families in confidence in outdoor and natural play with all activities on sessions easy for families to replicate at home for little or no cost. Each sessionswill last 1.5hrs and run on a weekly basis with a health snack provided.