Groundwork London is delivering a FREE programme of ‘Action for Nature’ workshops in parks of Waltham Forest.

‘Action for Nature’ workshop successfully conducted sessions in Summer and Autumn last year. Funded by LBWF, the workshops were focused on “Winged Wonders” (bees and butterflies) and “Humble Hedgehogs”.

Groundwork London is now delivering ‘Action for Nature’ this spring in collaboration with Long Harbour.

This phase will deliver an inclusive, engaging programme of 4 ‘Action for Nature’ sessions in 2 locations in Waltham Forest -in Lloyd and Langthorne Park. Sessions will be organised over the February half-term and will focus on the key theme of the arrival of spring, particularly birdsong, with clear learning outcomes.

These sessions are for families of parents/carers and children. We welcome everyone in Waltham Forest, and sessions are designed to be for all ages and abilities. At the end of the session everyone one will take home their own way of taking action for nature (no garden or special equipment required).

Each workshop inspired taking ‘action for nature’ at home!

Download the flyer below to get a quick glimpse of the sessions.


Spot the Signs of Spring- Langthorne Park

Spot the Signs of Spring- Lloyd Park


Accessibility & Facilities: All workshop sites are wheelchair accessible. Most of the sites have toilets.

For more information, or to book your place, please contact Emily at 07912271961 or email us at