Our policy positions set out what we think on the key topics central to our work. They are informed by our values, our research, and almost forty years of working with communities.

Our research and reports aim to share the learning from our programmes and the work we do in local communities, providing insight for practitioners and policy-makers who share our goals.

Many of our reports come directly from the learning generated by our projects and programmes. We also commission and carry out original research to add to the evidence base both for our work and to share with policy makers in a position to change things for the better.

We use policy and research to support our three core aims:

  • Improving people’s prospects
  • Creating better places
  • Promoting greener living and working

You can view our latest reports and policy positions below or view all of our reports by topic.

  • Planning for the Future: Recruiting diverse Talent into Waste and Resource Management

    Employers must do more to encourage diverse talent into waste and resources management This report has been published in partnership with the Environmental Services and Solutions Expo. The research investigated young people’s perceptions on waste and resources management, and any barriers that might prevent them from choosing the sector as a career. This report spotlights…

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  • Photo of a man who is kneeling down and holding a shovel.

    Ensuring equity in the green transition

    Our economy is changing. Adapting to climate change, reducingcarbon emissions and reversing the decline in biodiversity presentchallenges and opportunities for how we work. In many sectors ofthe economy this means new knowledge and a skills transition, whilein some it means significant growth in capacity and the creation ofwhole new training and professional development frameworks. Published…

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  • Fair, Green and Well

    Climate change, nature recovery, and health inequity are three of the biggest challenges facing society today. Well planned local action can help to address all three together while bringing a whole range of benefits to local communities. However, if we view each of these challenges in isolation, we risk missing opportunities to create to healthier,…

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View by topic

Green jobs

To create a more sustainable future and improve prospects for everyone, all jobs should be green jobs.

Climate and nature

Community action on tackling the climate and nature emergencies.

Health and wellbeing

Supporting good health in our communities.

Communities in control

How and why we should be putting communities in control of their future.

Supporting young people

Reports on youth participation, youth work and young people’s education and employment.