Tescos’ bags of help’ Covid 19 Community Fund is enabling us to continue to provide essential support for vulnerable women, men and children who are impacted by domestic abuse, at a time when we are seeing a dramatic rise in domestic abuse levels as people are trapped at home with violent and abusive partners.
Louise Tyne, Organisation Director, Behind Closed Doors
Behind Closed Doors helps people throughout Leeds whose lives have been, or are, affected by domestic violence and abuse to cope, recover and move on from their experiences.
They can help to prevent the escalation of violence and abuse; stay safe; address the practical problems associated with domestic violence and abuse, and rebuild self-esteem, autonomy and confidence.
Support is provided by phone and through one to one sessions in the community in a safe location (after lockdown), however they are currently being delivered online.
Their Community Domestic Violence Team is part of the Leeds Domestic Violence Service, offering advice, advocacy, and practical support to those who are at high risk as a result of their abusive relationship.
Their Prevention and Recovery Service (PARS) offers a non-crisis response structured programme of emotional support to those affected by domestic violence and abuse who are at low risk of harm, helping them to make sense of their experience, recover and move on positively.