Postcode checker

Alternatively, enter your postcode to find out if you’re eligible for a free Green Doctor home visit or phone consultation.  A link to an online support form will appear beneath the box where you enter your postcode.

Only boil the water you need

Only boil the water you need

Over time, boiling the correct amount of water for hot drinks and cooking can reduce your bills. Learn about the difference you can make with this small change to your daily habits.

Keep your home ventilated

Keep your home ventilated

A home with moist air uses more energy to heat and can cause bills to rise. It takes longer to heat damp air, and it cools down quicker. Learn how to keep moisture levels down.

Drying your clothes

Drying your clothes

Drying clothes on radiators makes your home more expensive to heat and can cause damp, mould and condensation. Learn about the alternatives with this guide.

Reduce heat loss in your home

Reduce heat loss in your home

One of the best ways to reduce heat loss through windows in an uninsulated home to install thermal curtains. Learn how with this guide.

Cavity wall and loft insulation

Cavity wall and loft insulation

Insulation helps to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Learn how to check your home’s insulation and install it where required.

Change your bath and shower habits

Change your bath and shower habits

Reducing the amount of water used when washing can help save plenty of money on both your water and energy bills. Learn how with this guide.

Change your washing machine settings

Change your washing machine settings

You can save a lot of energy, and money, by simply changing the way you use your washing machine. Learn how to adjust your washing machine settings to reduce your bills.

Make the most of your thermostat

Make the most of your thermostat

If you’ve got a thermostat in your house, setting it to the correct level can help to keep you warm, save money, and prevent damp, mould and condensation. Learn how with this guide.

Save energy in the kitchen

Save energy in the kitchen

There are many ways to reduce your energy use in the kitchen. Learn about how you can make your cooking practices more energy, budget and time efficient.