Head 2Work gives young people the opportunity to complete a social action project, which has a real, positive impact on an issue in their local community.
During 2020, this group of young people decided to focus on addressing COVID-19, and how the lockdown was impacting young people’s lives.
What did this involve?
The group visited Groundwork London’s South London music project, Peckham Studios, to use the professional studio to record, produce, and edit their own documentary about the pandemic.
During the making of the documentary, the group taking part researched mental health organisations, COVID-19 regulations, and how to effectively demonstrate them.
Key skills gained?
The group learned video production skills, learning how to produce, shoot and edit a short film.
They also took part in producing a backing track for the film, using equipment at Peckham Studios.
And the documentary?
The film was received very well, and was even presented to the London Mayor’s office!