Landscape Architects Impact Report
Groundwork Yorkshire's qualified Landscape Architects are passionate about creating better spaces and have a unique set of skills to bring together community engagement and quality design
Changing Places Changing Lives
Stories from local people across the North East & Yorkshire who have achieved amazing things with support along the way from Groundwork.
From fashion design to landscape architecture a choice to move to a greener job
"This experience absolutely helped me get my apprenticeship. It was the experience that I didn’t have before coming that helped secure me this job. This apprenticeship is my ideal job"
Revitalising our Estuaries is a river estuary restoration project managed by Groundwork that is fighting the climate and biodiversity crises on six estuaries across North Eastern England.
Quotations are invited from well qualified consultants with demonstrable experience in environmental and/or economic impact assessment to assess the impact of the capital improvements
We need to hear from people that live in/around the area as to what is great, not so great about Goole
It is one of only six ground breaking nature projects across England to receive this funding and we will be trialling ways to capture carbon and mitigate the impacts of climate change
This impact report highlights some of what Groundwork Yorkshire has achieved in the last year. In the coming year we will be supporting a number of our local authority partners as they strive to make the most of the Levelling Up Opportunities designed to help build pride in place.
Groundwork South & North Tyneside, our services have never been more needed, the impact of the pandemic and cost of living crisis has been significant, this challenge alongside the climate emergency has highlighted the stark inequalities across communities.
We are proud to support and encourage the development of women within our organisation and the majority of our management and leadership roles are held by women, attracting higher salaries.
Groundwork are an organisation that embraces transformation. We positively change places and people's lives, in partnership where we can. As a Northern group we turnover circa £20m employing over 450 staff. Here you can see the impact that we have made. What’s clear is that we have to create many more practical solutions in the years ahead.