Islington Greener Together Champion Privacy Policy
Learn about how we process your personal data and information.
This document explains what we do with the information you have given us in this form.
Our Role
We are known as the ‘Processor’ of your data which means we take instruction from London Borough of Islington, who control how your data is used. If you would like to get in touch about how they use your data, please contact their data protection office at email:
We will only collect the personal data about you that we need to deliver our service, however we may need to share your details with London Borough of Islington and Training Providers who support our work. We may store your data with countries outside the UK, however, these will only be ones that have the same privacy standards required by the EU for its residents.
Your personal data will not be shared for purposes other than those stated above unless you agree to it as a later time.
What We Use Your Information For
The personal data you have provided in this form will be used for the following purposes:
- Contacting you about the Champions Programme you are registering on
- Delivering the Champions Programme based on your needs
- Evaluation purposes.
How Long We Keep Your Data
We would like to keep your data for up to 5 years at which time all paper and electronic copies will be destroyed. If you have consented for us to use your information for marketing, we will keep it until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information.
You’re Rights For Optional And Non-Optional Data
Some information we must have to deliver the Champions Programme. If you do not agree to us using your details in this way, we will be unable to deliver our services to you.
At any point you can request to see this information and have it corrected, deleted or transferred. We will also delete your data upon request.
Some information is optional as marked in the form by OPTIONAL. You do not need to give us this information, however if you don’t provide it we may not be able to meet your needs. The demographic information with your name on it is not shared with anyone outside the project, but we do anonymise the information to share with London Borough of so we can continue to deliver the service for others – but it is grouped and not identifiable. We collect this under the lawful basis of consent. For this optional data, at any point you have the right to have your information deleted, corrected or transferred.
Questions for Groundwork London
If you have questions or wish to raise a complaint regarding how we handle your data you can contact Groundwork London’s Data Protection Officer on, write to 18 – 21 Morley Street, London, SE1 7QZ or call 020 7922 1230.
Making A Complaint About How Groundwork London Uses Your Information
If you still have concerns about how your data is being handled you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or visit
We can also let you know about other projects that you might be interested in, that Groundwork London colleagues are running .