1. Who ‘we’ are
Groundwork London have been contracted to deliver the Barnet COVID-19 Health Champion project by the London Borough of Barnet.
Groundwork London determine what and how data is collected, based on the Barnet COVID-19 Health Champion contract conditions. Groundwork London undertake both the data controller and data processor function for this project.
2. Lawful basis for processing your personal data
Groundwork London will only collect personal data about you that we need to deliver the Barnet Health Champion project.
Groundwork London collects personal data under two lawful basis; contractual and legitimate interest.
Contractual basis: To deliver the Barnet Health Champion project, Groundwork are required to collect and process your personal data. To enable us to deliver the project, you are required to provide your contact information. These fields are mandatory within the sign up form and we will not be able to process your application without them.
Legitimate interest: To enable Groundwork London to analyse the diversity of the registered Barnet Health Champions, we request prospective Champions record their date of birth, ethnicity and gender on the sign up from. Questions relating to these data types are optional. This information will be used to assess the demographic representation of the Champions in comparison to the London Borough of Barnet population and then be used to inform future Champion recruitment.
3. Information we hold about you
Personal information is information that identifies a living person. That can be obvious information like name and address, or it may be something like an IP address or an identifier like an NHS number.
By completing the Barnet COVID-19 Health Champion sign up form, you are providing Groundwork London with the following personal information:
- full name
- email address
- mobile number
- home postcode
- date of birth (non-compulsory)
- gender identity (non-compulsory)
- ethnic group (non-compulsory)
In addition, we ask you:
- your contact method preferences
- what additional languages you would like project information supplied in
- what your relationship is to Barnet
4. How your personal data is collected and used
Groundwork London will only use your personal data for the following purposes:
- To share and communicate with you project information, including current COVID-19 guidelines. We will communicate with you primarily by email or WhatsApp Broadcast, dependent on your selected preference. We will communicate with you using other communication channels, based on the preferences you select in your sign up form. See further information on how we will use these communication channels below.
- To add you to communication channels you agree to in your sign up form. Support in adapting privacy settings in each channel is available. Further information below.
- To assess what communities are represented in our registered Champions, based on geographical area, ethnic group, age and gender and use this information to inform targeted Champion recruitment.
- To contact you by phone or email periodically to complete evaluation questionnaires, collect case studies or invite you to be part of a focus group.
- To maintain, measure, and improve the service, we use your information to compile statistical data, but this will never include references to a particular individual. We report this data back to London Borough of Barnet.
Communication channels:
You will instruct Groundwork London of your preferred communication channels in your sign up form. These will include:
- WhatsApp Broadcast
- WhatsApp Barnet Health Champion group
- YouTube
- Zoom webinars
- Google Forms
At a minimum we will communicate with all registered Champions by email or WhatsApp Broadcast.
Furthermore, Groundwork London will periodically contact you by phone to discuss a Barnet Health Champion matter only.
All group email communication will use bcc to ensure no sharing of contact details.
By consenting to use WhatsApp Broadcast and WhatsApp Barnet Health Champion group, you consent to being added to these two groups. Groundwork London can provide instructions on how to edit your privacy settings on WhatsApp, where requested.
Further information on the privacy notices for Zoom, WhatsApp, Google Forms and YouTube are available on their websites.
Groundwork London will store your personal data on a platform called Zoho, which Groundwork London procures and manages. Zoho’s privacy policy can be viewed here: https://www.zoho.com/privacy.html
Your data will be stored on the secure Zoho database with access restricted to Groundwork London’s Barnet Health Champion project staff only. We may store your data within countries outside the UK; however, these will only be ones which have signed a privacy agreement which meets these standards.
Groundwork London may use different mediums to access your data for portability purposes, restricted to desktop computers, laptops and tablets. All mediums will be properly safeguarded with security pin codes/passwords.
5. Your rights
At any point you can exercise the right to receive a copy, correct, view or ask Groundwork London to stop using your personal data. You can withdraw your consent for us to use your personal data at any time.
Please contact us on barnethealthchampions@groundwork.org.uk.
6. How long will we keep your personal data
Groundwork London will delete their records of all data within one month of the Barnet Health Champion project coming to an end.
7. How to report a data protection breach or make a complaint
If you have a concern about the way we are handling your information, then in the first instance you should raise this with Groundwork London.
We will take your concern seriously and work with you to try to resolve it. To raise a concern or complaint with us you should contact:
Groundwork London
Groundwork London Data Protection Officer: GWLondon.GDPR@groundwork.org.uk, Groundwork London 18 – 21 Morley Street, London, SE1 7QZ or call: 020 1922 1230.
8. Right to complain to the information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
If you still have concerns about how your data is being handled you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or visit https://ico.org.uk/