Groundwork UK is seeking an organisation to provide a management information system for data collection and reporting purposes for participants on the Progress programme.
‘Progress’ is a tailored programme of coaching and support to help NEET young people access training and employment opportunities that is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund.
Groundwork UK is looking to contract an organisation to provide a management information system for the remainder of programme. The successful system will allow us to gather, collate and analyse core participant data in line with ESF/NLCF rules, and avoid the need for partners to transfer sensitive data through insecure means. The attached schedule, Appendix E, is indicative of the data capture that will be required.
The successful system will incorporate the following criteria:
- The system needs to be sufficiently user-friendly for youth practitioners who are not technical experts to use every day. It will need to function as a tool for caseload management and enable practitioners to record contact and progressions.
- Customer service and ongoing support is valued highly. Provider organisations will need to be highly responsive with a flexible approach and the ability and willingness to adapt the system throughout the duration of the programme based on feedback and evolving programme requirements. Groundwork UK will require a named single point of contact with an in-depth understanding of the system and particular needs of the programme.
- The system should offer real-time data, feedback and analysis. The system needs to be web-based and accessible remotely.
- It would be beneficial for the system to support data capture directly from young people, including via email, SMS, social media and surveys.
- The system will need to meet the highest standards of data security and be able to withstand penetration testing. The successful organisation will need to demonstrate exemplary credentials with relation to data protection.
- The system will need to provide a separate account for each delivery organisation using it, or means to ensure only members of their organisation can access relevant data. Each account needs to allow multiple logins to access its data simultaneously. Groundwork UK need to be able to create new user logins flexibly and on an ongoing basis, without additional charges.
- The system will need to check for duplicate participant records across all accounts, using a unique reference number for each individual.
- Account users will need to be able to create and update participant records. These will need to be able to record progress into and progress against relevant outcomes. It will need to allow users to upload documentary evidence to provide an audit trail for the programme.
- The system needs to provide a central account function for Groundwork UK that allows oversight of each individual provider account, and pull together data from across all accounts. This needs to allow the lead partner to approve or reject evidence uploaded by partners for financial claims from the user accounts.
- The successful MIS will also allow both user accounts and the central account to easily produce reports and collate statistical information in a simple and intuitive manner, in a range of formats. A number of bespoke reports and exports will also be developed by the successful organisation.
- The system needs to facilitate controlled participant data sharing to underpin good quality casework and efficient partnership working at a local level.
- We are looking for an organisation with significant experience of providing management information systems for youth work- style programmes. The successful organisation must be committed to collaborative and flexible working and support for non-technical users.
- An ongoing maintenance arrangement will need to be part of the contracted service, with ongoing support factored into the agreed cost of the system.
How to apply
1. With reference to the Scoring Matrix (Appendix C) please complete and submit the Tender Submission (Appendix B) and Form of Tender (Appendix D) to and by 12pm on Wednesday 27 November 2019.
Tender Specification (Appendix A)
Tender Submission (Appendix B)
Scoring Matrix (Appendix C)
Form of Tender (Appendix D)
Example Data Capture Annex (Appendix E)
2. Groundwork will assess and score tenders and respond to all tenderers by 5pm on Friday 29 November 2019.
3. The highest scoring tenderers may be invited to interview at Groundwork UK (Central Birmingham) on Monday 2 December 2019. Please ensure suitable representatives are available on this date.
4. The outcome of the process will be communicated by Tuesday 3 December 2019.
Further Information
For further information or clarification please email stating “BBO MIS Tender” in the email subject line, or contact Sarah Duncan or Joe Osborne on 0121 236 8565. The final deadline for tender-related questions is midday, Friday 22nd November 2019.
More information regarding BBO Progress, can be found on the Groundwork website:
Full details of the Building Better Opportunities programme can be found on the National Lottery Community Fund website:
Full guidance documents from the National Lottery Community Fund can be found here: