The evidence is clear: man-made emissions are causing dangerous changes in the climate, and the UK is now one of the most nature depleted countries in the world.

Groundwork believes that the needs of local communities must be central to the solutions to both problems. While political leadership is needed, sustainable solutions require the consent and participation of people from all walks of life.

Environmental justice

We know that the negative effects of climate change and environmental damage impact first and worst on those who have the least power and who contribute least to pollution. The transition to net-zero carbon emissions must tackle, rather than entrench, this inequality and provide a springboard for better work and healthier, happier lives.

Our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and response to the cost-of-living crisis must have environmental commitments at its core. This includes the creation of high-quality green jobs and the promotion of a circular economy. It includes investment in energy efficiency and renewables, high-quality green space accessible to all, improvements to air quality, and better habitats for wildlife.

Community action

Delivering a green recovery also means building the resilience of communities to cope with the effects of a changing climate, such as floods and heatwaves. As the COVID-19 pandemic showed, volunteer efforts can help communities plan for and respond to emergencies, bridging the gap between individuals and the emergency services.

Community-led initiatives don’t just meet immediate need – they can build long-term sustainable behaviour change. Evidence from our programmes shows that, with the right support, local community organisations can engage a wide cross-section of people in improving local environments, campaigning for change, and promoting positive choices.

Groundwork is committed to supporting and facilitating pro-environmental community action, and building the social infrastructure it needs to thrive. We know that creating sustainable change is a long-term mission. However, by working together, we can create a future where every neighbourhood is fairer, healthier and greener.

Find out more

Our policy and research on climate and nature

Groundwork is a member of the National Outdoors for All Working Group and a member of the sounding board for the Green Infrastructure Partnership.