The Achievement Coaching is funded by the Mayor’s European Social Fund (ESF) 2019-23 and has been designed to work with over 650 young people aged between 15-19 who have been identified as at high risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and targets young people who are or who have been:

  • A looked-after child or care leaver
  • Young carers
  • Issued an Education Health and Care Plan
  • At the risk of being asked to leave post-16 school/college, e.g. due to poor attendance or not meeting other requirements such as homework etc.
  • At the risk of dropping out of post-16 school/college due to poor course choice and needing support to identify their next steps

Working across the West London cluster boroughs Groundwork London, alongside Prospects part of Shaw Trust, will work with multiple schools/colleges ensuring young people receive interventions that will lead to positive and sustained and post-16 pathways into education, training, or employment for up to 15 months.

I really enjoy speaking with my Achievement Coach each week, they help me plan for the week ahead and work out what’s important for me to focus on.

Young Person (service user)

What can we offer you?

Each young person on the programme is allocated both an achievement Coach – youth practitioners with expertise in youth work, career advice – and coaching. With regular 1-2-1 meetings and group work, young people will work with their achievement coach to realise personal and academic growth, and to lay foundations for future plans by creating goals that have been tailored to match their individual aspirations.

Young people can access the following opportunities through this programme:

  • Personal 1-2-1 coaching sessions focused on setting goals, creating outcomes, and managing personal change.
  • Subjects covered by the Achievement Coaches can include:
    • Mental Health: Understanding what mental health is and what steps they can take to look after their own mental health through self-care, dealing with exam anxiety, confidence building, reflection, and resilience training.
    • Entrepreneurial opportunities and skills development: Introducing activities that promote employability, such as CV writing, mock interviews, and presentation skills.
    • Exam Preparation: providing students with exam preparation techniques based on individual preferences and also helping with planning and structure.
    • Information and guidance regarding post-16 opportunities: Exploring routes into apprenticeships, education, or training. Young people will be encouraged to take part in work experience and volunteering roles, which can lead to part-time employment alongside their studies.

The support typically begins in a young person’s last years through education years 10 – 12 and supports them in the transition to further education, apprenticeships, or employment.

Benefits of the Programme Include:

  • Insight into the world of work
  • Improved confidence and a focus on personal development
  • Helping young people navigate through challenging circumstances
  • Career guidance and exam preparation support, as well as an increased ability to maximise their achievements both in and beyond school