Aspire Higher
A support development programme for young people not in Education, Employment, or Training.
Aspire Higher is funded by the Mayor’s European Social Fund (ESF) 2019-23 and has been designed to work with at least 400 young people aged between 15-16 attending Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) or Alternative Education Programs (AEPs). The programme will support young Londoners deemed ‘at risk’ to achieve their full potential. Working across the capital, Groundwork London, alongside Playback and The Write Time, will work with at least 10 PRU/AEPs, ensuring young people receive interventions that will lead to positive and sustained post-16 pathways into education, training, or employment
My life wasn’t going anywhere, I didn’t have any goals in mind and there wasn’t anyone supporting me before I got involved in the project.
What Can We Offer You?
Each young person on the programme is allocated both a caseworker and an achievement Coach – youth practitioners with expertise in youth work, career advice and coaching. With regular 1-2-1 meetings, young people will work with their caseworker and achievement coach to realise personal and academic growth, and to lay foundations for future plans by creating goals that have been tailored to match their individual aspirations.
Young people can access the following opportunities through this programme:
- Personal 1-2-1 coaching sessions focused on setting goals, creating outcomes, and managing personal change.
- Group work on subjects including:
- Mental Health: Understanding what mental health is and what steps they can take to look after their own mental health through self-care, anger management, confidence building, reflection, and resilience training.
- Entrepreneurial opportunities and skills development: Introducing activities that promote employability, such as CV writing, mock interviews, and presentation skills.
- Activities outside of London and outside of the young person’s borough: Activities will help broaden the horizons of young people and their understanding of the world.
- Information and guidance regarding post-16 opportunities: Exploring routes into apprenticeships, education, or training. Young people will be encouraged to take part in work experience and volunteering roles, which can lead to part-time employment alongside their studies.

The support typically begins in a young person’s last years of secondary education (years 10 and 11) and can continue for a period of up to 18 months, supporting them in the transition to further education, apprenticeships, or employment.
They got me into work employability, they helped me gain a CSCE card. It was amazing, they opened my thoughts and idea about things.
Benefits of the Programme Include:
- Insight into the world of work
- Improved confidence and a focus on personal development
- Career guidance and exam preparation support, as well as an increased ability to maximise their achievements both in and beyond school
They made me see things in myself that I had never seen before.
Get in Touch
For all enquires please contact Youth Manager: – 07958 141915.