Silver Linings
Silver Linings is a rolling programme first devised by Groundwork London in 2015. Silver Linings Clubs are for older people over 50 to be social whilst lending a hand in Hackney with the aim to reduce those at risk of isolation.
We aim for a Silver Liner to have the following experience:
• The support to socialise and connect
• The support to do meaningful activity
• The support to refresh or learn new skills
• The support to lend a hand and help others
• The support to broaden their outlook and build a network
• The support to feel useful and be recognised
If you would be interested in working with Groundwork London to set up a Silver Linings Club near you, please get in touch with Clare Norwood.
t: 020 8510 5403 m: 07913 604 364
This year we have secured funding from London Legacy Development Corporation and support from London Borough of Hackney to bring the following 2 Silver Linings Clubs to Hackney Wick.