This Project is part funded by the European Social Fund.

We still consider a remote, flexible offer and service to those who are vulnerable or have additional accessibility needs.

This means our team of Advisers are able to provide the same dedicated one-to-one advice and support but via phone, text, email, WhatsApp or Zoom.

Working Homes is an employment support programme that helps unemployed residents of the London Borough of Croydon, East Surrey, and East Sussex back into work.

Our team at Groundwork London also provide direct support to employers, helping them to fill vacancies within their businesses and ensure that well suited candidates succeed in their roles.

With furlough ended on 30th September 2021, many people faced redundancy from jobs that they have worked in for a long time. The Universal Credit uplift officially ended on 6th October 2021, which has added even more pressure on households without anyone working. Working Homes is here to help people find sustainable, meaningful jobs.

Working Homes offers:

  • One-to-one employment advice
  • Specialist mentoring and signposting to other support services
  • Vacancy adaptation to suit individual hours and needs
  • Tailored recruitment processes including work trials and informal interviews
  • In work support to help individuals succeed in their roles
  • Diversity & Inclusion training for businesses

Eligibility criteria:

To participate in Working Homes, you must be:

  • Currently unemployed
  • Over the age of 25
  • Living in London Borough of Croydon, East Surrey, or East Sussex

For all enquiries about how to participate in Working Homes, as an employer or an individual, please contact:

Jocelyne Tsobgny at Groundwork London |

Carla Harvey at Raven Housing Trust | or 01737 272 519.

Sam English at Croydon Works | or 020 8604 7471.

To see the other Employment Programmes we run at Groundwork London, please view our Local Projects.