Romanian and Eastern European Hub
During phase one of the GLA Voter ID grants programme, the Romanian & Eastern European Hub (RoEE Hub) aimed to raise awareness and increase understanding among Londoners from under-registered and under-represented communities about the changes to their civic and democratic rights, specifically amongst Romanian, Romanian Roma and other Eastern European Londoners.
RoEE Hub reached over 8,000 under-represented individuals through a variety of methods, including in-person and online events, outreach, partnership work, social media, digital and physical leaflets and ongoing casework. The outreach and display at the Romanian consulate was particularly successful, engaging over 3,000 individuals.
RoEE Hub’s ability to provide key messages in the native languages of their audience and to use culturally correct terminology and accessible vocabulary has facilitated communication and built trust. In fact, organising family-friendly events was a great way to gather people and provide such important and impartial information, due to the relaxed atmosphere.
RoEE Hub has found that delivering this project highlighted how issues surrounding the representation and participation of the Romanian community are intertwined with wider issues of integration into UK civic and cultural life, encountering prejudice, barriers accessing services, and women’s rights and voice. As such, whilst running this project, RoEE Hub sought to link up numerous enquiries in relation to, for example, EU Settlement Scheme applications, access to benefits, access to healthcare and more, to provide a full support package.
As a result of this project, RoEE Hub have strengthened relationships with delivery partners and the wider community, which will increase the influence and capacity of their work in the future.
Blog by Adina Maglan,
CEO and Co-Founder