Groundwork London’s employment projects aim to bring London closer to a greener economy, inspiring ways to improve access to green jobs and training.

Between April and June 2024, the UK unemployment rate was at 4.2%, equating to 1.44 million people aged over 15 years that are unemployed. That is 63,000 more than pre-pandemic levels. There are also more than 8.5 million people aged 16-64 years that are economically inactive (House of Commons, 2023) causing detrimental impacts to our economic growth.

A solution needs to move fast to fill the hole that’s been dug into our employment rates for the last four years, and beyond. 

Meanwhile, the London School of Economics, or LSE’s, 2023 research found that low-carbon jobs: 

  • are in high demand
  • have greater requirements for technical, managerial and social skills compared to other jobs 
  • are more skills-intensive 

Where there is an economic and moral imperative to think about how we make the transition to a green economy more inclusive, ensuring those who might otherwise miss out are given the support they need to succeed. 

However, the emerging skills gap in this sector is proving wider than initially predicted and organisations across London need to draw inspiration from initiatives already promising opportunity, positive change and sustainable impact, to people and the planet.

Providing opportunities to upskill and secure employment

If our concentrated CO2 levels continue to rise, our changing atmosphere will cause irreversible consequences to animals, sea levels and our weather. 

At Groundwork London we believe that one of the solutions to mitigating and adapting to climate change is to grow the greener economy. To do so, we engage with local communities, authorities and corporates so they can play an active part in the solution. We’re achieving this by:

  • embedding environmental skills into our programmes employment and training programmes providing supported routes into green space jobs 
  • expanding our work to help businesses benefit from sustainability and to nurture green enterprise 
  • embracing climate priorities in localised community projects and unique partnerships, like this one with Veolia, Tesco and the NHS, to educate and inspire change and new solutions

Reducing carbon emissions is the only way to reduce our global warmth. London parks currently store 5.5 million tonnes of carbon annually. They need expert design and skilled care and maintenance to thrive. They not only store vast amounts of carbon, but also provide great opportunities for communities to connect with nature and one another, thus helping Londoners to thrive too!

Green Jobs and Training for a Greener Economy

Groundwork London delivers over 150 projects a year across the city, working with communities across the capital to transform their lives and the places they live.  The Green Team is one of our employment programmes that brings people closer to employment through upskilling on the job. Those who join the training programme gain a contract of employment as a Green Team Operative, working in grounds maintenance and horticulture across London. 

Discovering a new job with the Green Team has been a fantastic experience for Ligia. Through the programme she has gained new skills and achieved amazing things, including how to build plant beds from scratch and how to handle machinery like lawnmowers and hedge cutters. Her six-month placement has been a life changer and Ligia now wishes her next job to be in grounds maintenance.

“Angie was a great teacher, she taught me everything. I would definitely recommend the programme.” Ligia, Green Team Operative 2024

In the last 12 months, London’s Green Team has:

  • Improved 20 sites including public parks, green spaces in housing areas, through initiatives such as rainwater harvesting and planting new wildflower meadows 
  • Improved over 20 hectares of green space (that’s 200,000m2)
  • Recycled 30,500kg of green waste projects into useable resources such as bed mulches and composting

The Mayor of London’s Environment Strategy on Waste states “By 2026, no biodegradable or recyclable waste will be sent to landfill.” At Groundwork we see the economical and employable benefit of reducing waste through creating a circular economy. Projects like Westminster Wheels,funded by Westminster Council and Grosvenor, train residents not in education or employment to gain the skills and experience to become qualified bicycle mechanics, giving local people purposeful skills that can help mitigate waste. 

“After working in some toxic environments, I thought that was to be expected at work and so didn’t really challenge it. Working at Westminster Wheels showed me that a work environment shouldn’t be toxic but an actively pleasant place to be. I think the manager sets the tone for how a workplace is and Barney had good energy”

“At the end of my seven-month work placement at Westminster Wheels, on just my second job interview I got some good news: I got a job offer as a professional cycle mechanic at About the Bike!” 

Saffron, Westminster Wheels Participant 2022

Not only does their bike shop sell repurposed and repaired bicycles, their team of mechanics also offers a variety of bike services to ensure Westminster bike riders stay safe on the road and can enjoy riding their bikes for years to come.

The Green Space Skills Hub, Groundwork London’s ever-growing green space-focused jobs board and expert employment team provides more access to jobs and training in the green space sector and connects leading employers with candidates across London’s talent pool. Their mission goes beyond recruitment support and is bringing green space employment and opportunities to the forefront of London’s response to climate change. 

The Green Space Skills Hub has made the green skills sector more visible and improved accessibility to our customer base. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to help us to match suitable local customers to local jobs.” – Natalie, Employer Engagement Advisor 2024

The Green Space Skills Hub is challenging the perceptions and reputation of the sector and bringing a fresh perspective to the table, showcasing the range of training available to serve all job seekers in London, from first-time trainees to senior-level career changers. 

While the green space sector might not always be the path to financial wealth, this is a job you will genuinely enjoy, is good for your mental and physical health, with nice colleagues and meaningful work that positively impacts the environment.” – Lily Barson, Gardener

Groundwork London has a reputable history of bringing Londoners closer to employment through a wide variety of programme initiatives. However, one thing remains the same and that’s it’s focus on the potential of people on an individual level. Employment Programme Manager Nicola Rogers knows this all to well, and can pinpoint the reason why it’s both so important and so impactful in equal measure.

“Every day is different and has it’s challenges, but my motivation every day is that the work we do changes lives” – Nicola Rogers, Programme Manager GWL

Ultimately, the unemployment rate can’t be mitigated without the knowledge that the needs of people and planet go hand in hand. At Groundwork London we aim to meet that balance at the roots of the city’s untapped talent pool; supporting people and inspiring change through planet-first initiatives.

If you’d like to make an enquiry about our employment programmes, please get in touch with Groundwork London below.

If you are a jobseeker, student or simply looking for a career change into the green space sector and seek support in your career journey, or if you are an organisation looking to recruit for a live role or training programme in the green space and horticulture sector, please get in touch with the Green Space Skills Hub below.
