Supporting Green Doctors
Groundwork's Green Doctors are energy efficiency experts who visit people in their homes across the UK, helping vulnerable households to save money and stay warm and well. With 1 in 10 households in the UK experiencing fuel poverty, it's a crucial lifeline for many residents.
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Can you imagine having to choose between buying food for your family to eat and keeping them warm and healthy?
Government figures show that around 2.5 million households live in fuel poverty in the UK, which means that many people are having to make the impossible choice between heating or eating every day.
Green Doctors are an effective and proven way to provide practical and long-term solutions for vulnerable residents to stay healthy, warm and well.
It’s hard financially when it’s the winter months. Having small children as well, it’s important to keep warm. The Green Doctors came and showed me how to save energy, apply for grants and put reflective panels behind the radiators, which helped a lot.
– Clare, Green Doctor resident
Help more people out of fuel poverty by donating to support Green Doctors.
£5 can replace inefficient lightbulbs in a home
£35 can provide a Winter Warmer kit to help someone stay safe and warm through the cold months
£100 can provide a Green Doctor visit to a family facing fuel poverty
We have teams of Green Doctors supporting vulnerable households across the UK.
Groundwork is a charity working locally and nationally to transform lives in the UK’s most disadvantaged communities. Our Green Doctors are experts who give homes a ‘check-up’. They offer energy saving advice and provide other things to help keep people warm and healthy.
These are some of the typical actions a Green Doctor carries out on a home visit:
- Identifying causes of heat loss in the home
- Helping identify and tackle damp or mould problems
- Offering useful tips for saving energy whilst ensuring the home stays safe and comfortable
- Installing small efficiency measures, such as draft excluders
- Supporting people to switch energy providers to save money
- Supporting people to access other support, such as emergency heating, government subsidies or grants, advice on energy or water debt.