A range of volunteer opportunities are available, from conservation tasks and gardening to running events.

How old do I have to be?

You can volunteer from 16 unaccompanied, under 16’s must have an adult present.

What opportunities are available?

You can volunteer in the park at the following events.


  • Sunday 18 – Ranger Conservation task – mini beast hunt.
  • Monday 26 to Friday 30 – Kitchen Garden Monster trail – Explaining the trail & handing out activity sheets once the trail completed.


  • Wednesday 4 & Thursday 5 – Treasure Island Trail – Explaining the trail, checking tickets & handing out prizes once the trail completed, creating an activity/game to do with pirates/treasure which children can take part in, manning the activity on the day.
  • Friday 27 – Arbor Day – Creating an activity/game to do with trees/nature which children can take part in, manning the activity on the day.
  • Sunday 15 – Ranger Conservation task – Wild flower survey.


  • Sunday 12 – Dog festival – Help set up/pack down, checking tickets for dog show, creating an activity/game to do with dogs which dogs/attendees can take part in, manning the activity on the day.
  • Sunday 19 – Ranger Conservation task – TBA.

Who do I contact?



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