ESF Community Grants stories

Find out more about the projects that have received funding and the impact this has had.
The Gardening Project: ‘Roots to Work’
Roots to Work – is a unique community user-led project engaging unemployed residents in learning about gardening and meeting people.
Second Chances is an initiative that will reach ex-offenders living in Leeds and provide tailored, one to one support to empower participants to make positive changes in their lives.
Arty-Folks: ‘New Perspectives’
The New Perspectives team offer engaging, employment focused programmes such as art therapy, practical job search and CV writing skills, and support to get people back into education.
Career-Mums CIC: ‘Work Restart Programme’
Work Restart Programme will support women – who have taken time out of the workforce – to get back to work, whether this is through part-time employment, full-time employment, starting their own business or retraining for a future new career.
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