Duration: Ongoing


UK homes are among the least efficient in Europe and as a result illness related to living in a cold homes cost the NHS approximately £850 million per year.

Our Energyworks Green Doctors offer a number of energy saving services to Greater Manchester residents enabling them to be warmer, healthier and better off in their homes.

What we’re doing

The Energyworks team offer free energy advice phone calls to residents in Greater Manchester, with the possibility of arranging a home energy advice visit too.

Upon arrival at a free in-home visit, the Energyworks team will go through a simple questionnaire which allows them to gain a better understanding of how they can improve the household’s energy efficiency. They may recommend some small measures which can be fitted by the team for free as well as onward referrals to external partners for large energy efficiency measures such as boiler replacement etc, and referrals to other agencies for further support.

The team provides support with the following:
  • Identifying causes of heat loss in the home
  • Identifying and tackle damp or mould problems
  • Offering useful tips for saving energy and water whilst ensuring your home stays safe and comfortable
  • Helping with heating controls (including storage heaters)
  • Installing small energy and water efficiency measures, such as draft excluders, LED lightbulbs and radiator foils
  • Supporting in switching energy providers to save money
  • Helping residents apply for the warm home discount or register on priority service registers
  • Capping water rates and freezing payments where eligible
  • Supporting with metering issues
  • Providing support to access services such as emergency heating, government subsidies or grants for large measures, such as a full central heating system, new boiler, cavity wall and loft insulation (eligibility criteria apply)
  • Arranging onward referrals to external agencies for further support.

Our Green Doctors regularly attend local community events with a table of free goodies and information on fuel savings.

Here, residents can meet the team and ask for advice on the free energy advice services available. In addition, our Green Doctors enjoy presenting to local community groups about how to save energy and money in their homes.

These talks are always interactive with a show and tell feature showcasing the small energy saving measures and freebies available through the service.

Find out more

To find out more about our the Energyworks service, please contact the team on the email address below:

Funders & Partners

Energyworks is made possible thanks to funding and support from: