Current opportunities with Groundwork in Salford

Please check back again soon

We’re not currently running any neighbourhood level programmes in Salford which you can get involved in. If you’re looking for what support services we offer in Salford please visit the support page below.

Join our Facebook community!

We set up the Greening Greater Manchester Facebook Group as an online space where everyone can share their ideas on how to make Salford greener and more resilient to the effects of climate change. Please join & share your ideas!


If you would like to find a local community group to volunteer with in Salford please visit the website below:

Our favourites spaces in Salford

Here’s a few green space projects we’re proud to have supported in Salford in recent years. All of these projects are delivered in partnership with the local community, so if you live near one of them and want to get involved please let us know and we’ll do our best to connect you with the community there.

Inspiring people from Salford

Here’s a few stories of inspiring people and communities we’ve worked with from Salford in recent years.

Support services

We provide a number of support services related to household energy, employment, wellbeing, neighbourhood greening, funding and more.

If you’re looking for information on these services please follow the link below to the ‘Get Support’ area of our website.