Creating A New Outdoor Youth Zone in Hattersley
The Go Green Scheme, delivered by Groundwork and funded by Onward Homes, aims to engage local people, of all ages, in positive opportunities which contribute to the regeneration of the Hattersley estate.
Over the past 4 years, Groundwork have been delivering events, workshops and activities which engage the community and empower them to become guardian of their local green spaces.
Creating a new Youth Zone
As part of the 2022 programme of activity, Onward Homes wanted to create an outdoor space which could be used for alternative provision school and a new youth zone. They identified the outdoor space behind the ex-Air Cadets building on Hattersley Road East as a perfect location.
In the summer of 2022 Groundwork staff joined forces with some local volunteers, as well as employees from UK Military Mentors, who work in the area coaching and mentoring young people, to start to transform the space into a youth zone.
A new outdoor learning space
After several days of graft, the team were able to create a new outdoor classroom area, complete with safe access and a selection of log seating. The makeover also included bamboo fencing to create a more private space where young people can open up.
Ciaran Muir, Managing Director of the UK Military Mentors, shared his thoughts on the new space:
“The outdoor learning area not only looks fantastic, but provides us and our learners with a great little breakaway space to conduct our sessions from. Our learners will benefit from this massively as many of them often struggle in a traditional classroom setting, so this will be a more than welcome addition to our provision.”
Groundwork hope that the space becomes one which is well used by the local community and are exploring opportunities for delivering activities within the space in 2023.