Stock image of Pamela, who received help from our Green Doctors

Meet Pamela, who is 84 years old from Trafford. Pamela attended an Age UK event in Trafford where Rebecca, one of Groundwork’s Green Doctors, delivered a presentation on energy saving. She found the talk mesmerizing to watch and thought Rebecca was incredibly knowledgeable, with everything that she said being extremely useful.

Energy saving at home

Following on from the presentation, Pamela gained some support from the Green Doctors in her home. She found the service equally as helpful as the presentation, commenting:

“She put the radiator foils in so easily, it was done in seconds, and the same with the door brush, bang bang bang and it was done! I couldn’t have done it myself.”

Energy saving LED lightbulbs were also fitted in her home, providing Pamela with a brighter light for when she does craft activities and reads, causing less of a strain on her eyes.

A door brush was fitted on the living room door, blocking out the draught coming from the hallway which has helped Pamela’s  husband who watches TV from the sofa opposite and regularly used to feel the draughts. He has poor circulation in his legs, so blocking the draught has been an enormous help to them both.

Winter warmer

To help with the colder months Pamela was sent a winter warmer pack which included blankets, hot water bottles and thermos flasks – all of which were very helpful for her husband who has dementia.

‘I particularly like the portable paper room thermometer, as when we move around the house, I can see what temperature the room is and either turn the heating up or the radiator in that room. I have recommended this to friends as they are never sure what temperature their rooms should be to be comfortable.’