Jordan came across Groundwork Greater Manchester whilst serving his first prison sentence. He completed our Construction Skills Bootcamp whilst in custody and gained multiple qualifications including his CSCS card following his release from custody.

A young man (Jordan) cutting a wire after his construction skills course
*Stock photo and fake name used to protect identity


Jordan was feeling motivated to turn his life around on his release. He had previous experience within construction but no recognised qualifications behind him. Jordan really enjoyed being part of the Construction Skills Bootcamp and he really impressed employers at the interview stage.

“Being a part of the course really kept me focused and motivated whilst in prison. It gave me some hope during a difficult time. Coming down to the workshop every day and doing what I’m good at was a good escape from prison life’

As well as up-skilling him for employment, the team also assisted Jordan with wider support which helped him to build a life outside of custody.

“I didn’t have a bank account, birth certificate or photo I.D. Groundwork helped me get all of those things whilst I was still in custody. This gave me the best possible start on release”

New opportunities

When Jordan was released, he was placed in supported accommodation which was a borough away from all his personal networks. Noticing that this was taking a toll on his mental health, the team contacted Positive Cycles, who provided him with a refurbished pedal bike to help him travel around, and placed him onto another employment course to give Jordan the best chance of success out of custody.

Thanks to his hard work and dedication, Jordan is now employed as an apprentice at an electricians and has saved up enough money to put a deposit down for his own home.

“People think you leave prison and life goes back to normal as before, but it’s so far from the truth. You have to start again, having positive people to help you is a massive bonus”

Jordan’s training was made possible thanks to Greater Manchester Combined Authority securing funding to deliver skills bootcamps. This forms part of the Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee, helping everyone gain skills for life.

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