Groundwork’s Youth Workers work in schools across Greater Manchester, providing Achievement Coaching to young people of all ages and backgrounds.

Kayden and Claire during their Achievement Coaching session

Before Kayden began his Achievement Coaching journey with Youth Worker Claire, he was struggling with his mental health and found it hard to trust people in his life, even family and friends.

“I didn’t really trust Claire first hand, but after a couple of sessions I ended up realising that she was a really straightforward and nice person”

Kayden and Claire posing in the woods during their Achievement Coaching session

The Achievement Coaching sessions usually involve a lot of one to one work in order to build trust, but can also involve group activities. Through these sessions, Kayden began to meet like-minded people and let his guard down.

“I’ve realised that not everyone is a bad person. I have met a few people from the groups and some of them have become really close friends”

Kayden also saw a huge difference in how he felt during the sessions compared to his regular school lessons:

“I’ve never been good in school, but working with Claire was like school but not school at the same time. I feel like I can actually cope with the work and get on with whatever she provides for me”

Kayden and Claire watching the lake

As well as making new friends, Kayden has learned to trust others in his life, including his family. He’s learned a variety of life skills and hopes to keep building on them after the Achievement Coaching sessions are finished.

“I’m thankful that I did get referred to Claire, she’s always there for me whenever I need her”

To find out more about the Achievement Coaching programme, click below: